Our commitment to ethical conduct and safeguarding
Talent Beyond Boundaries is committed to operating according to the highest ethical standards. We have policies and processes in place designed to protect those who come into contact with our organisation from any harm, exploitation, or abuse, whether deliberate or accidental.
We encourage prompt reporting of actual or suspected instances of misconduct or abuse on the part of TBB staff and/or other TBB representatives.
All reports will be treated as confidential. Complainants can remain anonymous should they wish, however this may impact our ability to throughly investigate, due to not having enough information. Therefore, we suggest that anonymous reporting be treated as a last resort and ask that anonymous complainants provide as many other details as possible.
TBB will investigate reports of misconduct/abuse in a sensitive and timely way, and inform complainants of outcomes where appropriate (if contact details have been supplied).
We reserve the right to disregard reports that:
Are in regards to general protection/assistance requests (see below);
Are not related to alleged misconduct by TBB staff/representatives and/or our partner agencies;
Do not provide enough information to form the basis of a meaningful investigation.
Please note: TBB does not have the authority to deal with refugee protection/assistance related requests. This means we cannot review individual refugee claims, cannot provide individuals with assistance (in kind or in cash), and cannot facilitate humanitarian resettlement. For these matters, please contact your local UNHCR office.