Support our work

We gratefully accept donations of all sizes to continue our work helping refugees resume their careers and rebuild their lives.

Donations are tax-deductible in Australia, Canada, the UK, and the United States.

  • “I have a country now, for myself and my family. That's the most important thing.”

    TBB candidate when asked:
    “What is the best thing about living and working in your new host country?”

  • "The health system, the education system; everything is secure for families who just want to have a good life and serve this country from their heart... I didn't expect it to be so wonderful!"

    TBB candidate when asked:
    “What is the best thing about living and working in your new host country?”

  • "Everything. But the best thing is that we feel safe."

    TBB candidate when asked:
    “What is the best thing about living and working in your new host country?”

  • "The minute I set foot on that plane, I actually dared to start dreaming again."

    TBB candidate when asked:
    “What is the best thing about living and working in your new host country?”

  • "I feel that I’m a human. I’m appreciated for what I do. I’m happy."

    TBB candidate when asked:
    “What is the best thing about living and working in your new host country?”

  • "Life here is full of chances. We have rights. All I need to do is work hard and I will achieve my dreams."

    TBB candidate when asked:
    “What is the best thing about living and working in your new host country?”

  • "Equality. People are looking at you for what you can do; not what status you were born with."

    TBB candidate when asked:
    “What is the best thing about living and working in your new host country?”

 How your donation will help:

  • $25 USD pays for online outreach to 500 refugees, educating them about labour mobility opportunities;

  • $50 USD provides three refugees with personalised support to update their CV for the global job market;

  • $150 USD covers 1-1 coaching, interview prep, and debriefing for six refugees to help them shine in a job interview;

  • $500 USD pays for a case manager to support a refugee through the entire recruitment and migration process;

  • $1500 USD provides a refugee family with support for 12 months post-arrival, setting them up to thrive.


More than 80 cents in every dollar you donate goes directly to running our life-changing programs.

Donation FAQs

  • Yes. Donations to Talent Beyond Boundaries are tax deductible if you’re a taxpayer in Australia, Canada, the UK, or the United States.

    In Australia, Talent Beyond Boundaries Ltd is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (ABN: 20623493327).

    In Canada, Talent Beyond Boundaries/Talents au-delà des Frontières is a tax-exempt registered charity (Registration no: 753088731RR0001).

    In the UK, Talent Beyond Boundaries UK is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (Charity number: 1193389).

    In the United States, Talent Beyond Boundaries is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. (EIN: 81-1936850).

  • Yes. If you donate online, a receipt will be sent to you at the email address you provide. If you chose to make a recurring monthly donation, you will get an individual receipt each month after your donation has been processed.

    If you send us a cheque, please remember to include a return address (or email address) so we can provide you with a receipt.

  • Yes. The applications we use employ SSL certificate encryption technologies to ensure transactions are processed in a safe and secure manner.

    We will not sell, trade, or share your data with anyone else. For more detail, see our Privacy Policy.

  • Please contact our Global Partnerships Director to discuss different options for support.

  • Yes. We welcome both financial and in-kind contributions from the private sector.

    If you donate online, please include your business in the ‘Organisation’ field.

    Alternatively, contact our Global Partnerships Director who can tailor a corporate support package to suit your needs.

  • Yes. Please contact us at

Donations are tax-deductible in Australia, Canada, the UK, and the United States.