Finding hope: where trust overcame fear of disappointment
Visiting Niagara Falls, Ontario shortly after arriving in Canada
“So we were two adults, in our 30s, jumping on a bed, laughing, because we were so over the moon when Shopify Canada told me they would send me a job offer.”
When war broke out in Syria, Omar decided to seek safety in Lebanon. He had been living and working as a displaced person when he eventually received a job offer resulting in this childlike response.
Trying not to have hope
“I had a dream to work in an international company or to move to a first world country like Canada or something. But I just thought it was impossible with the tools I had, with the lack of financing. Moving here would cost a lot of money without a job, getting visas and immigrating. So it was a dream sitting there in the back of my brain, the back of my mind, but just an idle dream until this day.”
When Omar’s friend and room-mate in Lebanon managed to secure a job and move to Australia with the help of Talent Beyond Boundaries, Omar was envious.
“I wished him well, I love Tarek but you know we are human beings and you ask yourself why it's not me?”
Omar had completed a master’s degree in computer engineering from Syria, but was unable to work in his speciality field as a displaced person in Lebanon.
“As a Syrian in Lebanon you don't get to dictate your terms. You just work to get paid and hope to get paid well enough to live there.”
Really you are in a holding pattern and often it’s not safe and you are at the mercy of your employer. So, he figured “what have I got to lose? I will put in my details to this TBB organisation and just forget about it. If I don’t have hope, then I won't be disappointed.”
Reaching out to TBB
Yet, Talent Beyond Boundaries, don’t just forget about you. They follow up and call you and schedule meetings and provide feedback. Moreover, it’s useful information plus they have contacts everywhere. Omar couldn’t believe the breadth of their knowledge base and the care he received. When he answered their call asking if he would be interested in applying for a job with Shopify in Canada, he replied “Hell yeah, I want to do that.” He laughingly describes how the TBB team explained he should read the job description first.
His interviews with Shopify were extraordinary too and whilst he feels lucky to have had such a wonderful experience, thanks in part to the brilliant culture of his current employer, he also recognises the vital help from TBB.
“They did a mock interview with me for an hour. They asked very professional questions and prepared me for the real interview. In some cases I didn’t explain myself clearly and the interviewer gave feedback. It was so awesome. I wish everybody could have the chance to experience this. I didn't believe in mock interviews initially, but now I think that if it wasn't for that I wouldn't be here now.”
Omar and his wife enjoying a hike with friends in Ontario
How long is this journey
How you progress through this journey will be dependent on your credentials and ability. Some candidates may need assistance with their English before tackling an interview. Others may need to improve their skills in technology. TBB accepts skilled people and supports them in being ready for the tough road ahead.
It is not a quick fix. You don’t simply send in your CV, get a job offer and jump on a plane. The process is long, really long. You have to be patient and resilient. You need to gather papers you may not have. TBB will guide you with legal, administration and emotional support. It could take two years from your interview, to your job offer, to landing in a new country. This can be brutal, with a lot of waiting time. The pandemic has caused even more difficulties and no one should underestimate the stress of this. You will still be living in limbo, but it’s become a limbo peppered with hope.
Omar explains his own journey.
“One week after I applied to the Canadian embassy for my visa, the embassy in Lebanon closed down because of COVID. I waited for 7-8 months without any progress. Usually it would take weeks, but without staff in an embassy, everything was stalled.
I thought, okay, I'm jinxed. This is like, hope is killing me again. But, TBB was always in touch with us. They didn’t just ghost us. They answered all our questions and checked in on us often. If they didn’t know the answers, they would find out for us.”
Why do TBB help?
There were times when Omar would wonder if TBB had a motive. Why would people be so helpful without expecting something in return? He pondered this and discussed it with his wife. Yet, he also knew from his friend’s experience that he should trust this organisation.
“They are just awesome people fulfilling other people's dreams. Only parents would normally do that for their children right? But anyway, I didn’t ask myself too many questions about that and I just let it go.”
Arriving in a new country
Omar, visiting the CN Tower in downtown Toronto
In the heart of a global epidemic, mid winter,and two years after the initial contact, Omar and his wife arrived in Canada. Rebecca, a member of the St James refugee response committee who are partners with TTB, met them on the ground before transporting them to their quarantine accommodation. They were so grateful for the small touches, such as the middle eastern food Shopify had already sent to their apartment. What they weren’t prepared for was the weather.
“The first question I was asked was, do you have winter clothes? Like a winter coat? And I answered, ‘yes, of course.’ And she asked me, ‘where is it?’ And I was like, ‘this is it,’ clutching at the one I was wearing. She was frowning and she just told me, ‘no, this is a spring coat here!’ ”
Already a winter lover, Omar had to adjust to an entire new temperature experience.
“When I lived in Syria and Lebanon, my favourite season was winter. But when I moved here, I kept telling my friends back there that we don't actually have a winter. I’ve now been properly introduced to winter!”
It’s been a year of seasons. Omar loves his job at Shopify and his wife, with the help of TBB, has just started some university studies with future employment opportunities. He still wonders if there is a catch, but has started to relax and is grateful for the fortune of being introduced to Talent Beyond Boundaries.
“I don't really understand why. Why did they help me? I really mean it. Like, I just feel that I'm blessed with them. I'm lucky. There are millions or at least hundreds of thousands of hopeful people in the Middle East and other places like Afghanistan. They may see this interview and think, why not me? Why him?”
My advice
“What have you got to lose? You don't pay them any money because they actually don't ask you for any. And there are no registration fees, no hidden fees, no fees at all.
So you are just going to give them your resume and your expertise, what you know, and what you don't. So it’s like applying for any other job. Why would you trust an employer and send them your resume and not trust this organisation that is just asking for the exact same thing.”
TBB has continued to help Omar. Even with small steps such as getting a SIM card in Canada, finding a volunteer to drive them to buy real winter clothes, connecting them to a service for micro-lending and helping them with finding longer term accommodation.
“They have so many partners and they would check up on us just by saying, ‘Hey mate. Is everything okay? Are you having trouble with anything? Do you need any help?’ And even when we didn't need help, just having someone ask about us and check up on us was awesome.”
The next step
Starting in a new role is the beginning of the next chapter. The company has taken a chance on you and now is the time to show you are worth it. Shopify has been an amazing employer for Omar, but he knows that guaranteed longevity with the firm rests on him. He realised very quickly that Canada is no different to his home country - when you work hard and are dedicated, then you will succeed. What feels unique about Shopify is the organisation’s care of it’s staff.
“They care for your mental health and for your personal health. I’ve been treated fairly and supported all along the way…. I wanted to prove that I can succeed and I can be very good at my job or at any job that I work in. I feel now I can say that I'm a good employee and I'm doing a great job.”
Omar, joining the Talent Beyond Boundaries and Fragomen Canada teams for a fundraising hike in October 2021. The organizations raised funds to support the St. James and Community Refugee Committee, which has supported many TBB Canada alumni.
So does the journey end?
“The journey doesn't end when you land in your new country. It never ends actually. It's a constant journey. TBB doesn't give you a fish, but they teach you how to fish. So they connect you with the employer and they give you all the tools that you need, but it's up to you to prove yourself and to prove that their selection was the right one.”
“Both TBB and Shopify have believed in me and supported me. Shopify has appointed me as a team contact. An immigrant whose English is not his native language! Proving himself! So, I think, well if I can make it here, I can make it anywhere.”
It's heartening to see that Omar no longer feels the need to qualify his sense of hope and self belief. His days of burying any future dreams seem behind him.
“People may read this story and think I am being employed by TBB because I have nothing but praise for them. But really I just hope that if someone is reading this and has been wondering whether to take a chance, then they should. Submit your application. TBB are very discreet and you have nothing to lose.”
“For employers, I also have a message: there are so many talented people out there. People who can prove themselves in any market. I'm not saying that’s everybody, but there are plenty who can. And hiring them would be beneficial to all parties.”