My “beyond boundaries family”: Ali’s journey with TBB
“When I stepped off the plane, I saw TBB founder John Cameron waiting for me - just like a father would. What this showed me is that TBB is not just a program or an organization; it is an extension of my family”.

Diala - taking one step at a time
When Diala’s plane finally touched down in Toronto she had goosebumps. The last year had been exhausting and exhilarating and she could barely believe she had made it to Canada. She was here alongside her new husband, Yehya, who she had unexpectedly met through this process. A brand new life, a new job and a new husband. The journey had been a whirlwind.

Hired by Shopify in Canada, Omar says getting a job “was like a dream came true”
The couple leave a worsening situation in Beirut for a new home with a livelihood, the space and peace to rebuild, and the services and rights to thrive. Shopify has become the new ground beneath Canadian business even more during the pandemic period of online-only exchange, and talented people like Omar are core to meeting the challenge.

Soul surfing and lifelong learning in the Australian sea
Following nine years of displacement in Jordan and 8 months lockdown in Melbourne, Samer is working as a legal assistant with Maurice Blackburn and taking on a new challenge - surfing.

We share the same table
Sharing a meal is one of society’s most beautiful moments. The preparation of individually wrapped morsels of goodness is time consuming but it is such a wonderful way to unite a community. Individual parcels of food invite you to share, try and experience more.

A Syrian chef with a ladle full of perseverance
Adel has a passion for food and a dream to bring a deeper cultural understanding to our world through the blending of cuisines. He and his wife Sara are set to follow that dream to Horsham, regional Victoria.

Media series spotlights Mokhles, in his own words
Mokhles Abdulghani is a mechatronics engineer and former refugee from Iraq who was living displaced in Jordan. He is sharing his family’s experience in the weeks and months after moving to Canada in “From Jordan to Morden,” a series documented in the Toronto Star.

Engineer and former refugee family arrives in Canada as borders reopen
Mokhles and his family are the first TBB candidates to travel to a new home since global border closures began in March. They now live in Morden, Manitoba.

Fadi: The email that changed my life
From the first meeting, I could tell that TBB was different. They didn’t ask me questions such as: “Are you in need of medical assistance?” or “Do you have a place to stay?”. Instead, they asked me what I could do.

Derar: My journey from Syria to Australia
Being refugees was not something we were used to. For many years we were accepting of refugees from all over the world. We never thought that we would one day be in the same position.

Case study: Ibrahim
Ibrahim is one of 5.5 million Palestinian refugees in the Middle East. He registered with TBB in the hope of a different life for himself, his wife, and their future family.

Case study: Anas
Even as a child, Anas was fascinated with fixing things. His parents owned a plastics manufacturing company, and he planned to become an engineer and continue their legacy. But the war in Syria changed everything.

Case study: Fadi
Fadi was born in Lebanon, but his father’s disappearance left him without a way to prove his nationality or register his own birth. As a result, Fadi is stateless - a fact that has frustrated every aspect of his life.

Sofia’s story
Sofia was the first woman to secure an international job offer through our program. She is now settled in Australia with her husband and two children - but her journey was marked by significant challenges.
Tarek’s story
Tarek heard about Talent Beyond Boundaries through a friend and added his CV to the Talent Catalogue in 2017. Two years later, he was starting a new life in Australia.