Youth Online Learning Opportunities Webinar Series

Talent Beyond Boundaries, in partnership with Kiron Lebanon, is launching a new webinar series targeting young professionals who are interested in improving their access to the job market.

This series is part of the Youth Online Learning Opportunities project and is implemented within the scope of the “Funding for Training and Capacity Building” component of the HOPES-LEB project funded by the European Union, through the EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian crisis, the ‘EU Madad Fund’, and implemented by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Campus France and Nuffic.

How can refugees stand out while applying for roles in engineering?

How can refugees stand out while applying for roles in engineering?

This webinar is aimed at refugees, stateless people, and displaced people who are interested in learning about international employment opportunities and tips in the engineering and technology industry. Our agenda will cover the following topics:

  • About Talent Beyond Boundaries and our work

  • About SigmaPoint

  • What are the skills needed to work in engineering?

  • What are some CV tips that can help you stand out?

  • What skills do you need to develop to improve your visibility?

  • How to register and benefit from TBB’s services

  • Q&As

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How can refugees access international employment in consulting?

How can refugees access international employment in consulting?

This webinar is aimed at refugees, stateless people, and displaced people who are interested in learning about international employment opportunities and tips in the consulting industry. Our agenda will cover the following topics:

  • About Talent Beyond Boundaries and our work

  • Fadi’s story

  • What are the skills needed to work in consulting?

  • What are some CV tips that can help you stand out?

  • What skills do you need to develop to improve your visibility?

  • How to register and benefit from TBB’s services

  • Q&As

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How can you stand out to recruiters in the healthcare industry?

How can you stand out to recruiters in the healthcare industry?

This webinar is aimed at refugees, stateless people, and displaced people who are interested in learning about international employment opportunities and tips in the healthcare field. Our agenda will cover the following topics:

  • About Talent Beyond Boundaries and our work

  • About the United Kingdom’s Displaced Talent Mobility Pilot

  • What are the skills needed to work in healthcare in the UK?

  • What are some CV tips that can help you stand out?

  • International employment opportunities in healthcare for refugees and displaced people

  • Challenges facing refugees, stateless people, and displaced people when trying to break into the international healthcare job market

  • How we are solving these problems at TBB

  • Case study: our UK healthcare program

  • How to register and benefit from TBB’s services

  • Q&As

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جلسة تعريفية: كيف يستطيع اللاجئون والأشخاص المهجرون السفر بقصد العمل؟

جلسة تعريفية: كيف يستطيع اللاجئون والأشخاص المهجرون السفر بقصد العمل؟

تهدف هذه الجلسة إلى تعريف اللاجئين والأشخاص الذين تركوا بلدانهم قسراً على مسارات الوصول إلى فرص التوظيف الدولية. سوف نتطرق إلى المواضيع الآتية خلال حديثنا، وسوف نفتح المجال للأسئلة في نهاية الجلسة

  • الصعوبات التي تواجه اللاجئين والأشخاص الذين هجروا بلادهم قسراً عند التقديم على فرص العمل الدولية

  • فرص العمل الدولية المتاحة للاجئين والأشخاص المهجرين

  • قصص مرشحينا الذين وصلوا إلى كندا وأستراليا والمملكة المتحدة

  • كيف تستطيع الاستفادة من خدمات منظمة مواهب بلا حدود

  • كيفية التسجيل

  • فقرة الأسئلة

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How can refugees and displaced people access international employment opportunities?

How can refugees and displaced people access international employment opportunities?

This webinar is aimed at refugees, stateless people, and displaced people who are interested in learning about international employment opportunities and pathways. Our agenda will cover the following topics:

  • About Talent Beyond Boundaries and our work

  • Challenges facing refugees, stateless people, and displaced people when trying to break into the international job market

  • How we are solving these problems at TBB

  • International employment opportunities for refugees and displaced people

  • Case studies: our candidates

  • How to register and benefit from TBB’s services

  • Q&As

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