Introducing the Displaced Talent Hub: Your Go-To Resource for Refugee Labor Mobility

Talent Beyond Boundaries is proud to announce the launch of the Displaced Talent Hub, a knowledge base for partners and advocates who are building refugee labor mobility programs worldwide.

A photo of the home page of the displaced talent hub

What if a transformational new solution for refugees became available - but only a handful of people knew how to make it work? 

Five years after the first TBB candidate landed, we’re closing in on our 750th job offer. Over 110,000 people are using the Talent Catalog. TBB has helped displaced families relocate from more than 30 countries, making new homes in Australia, Canada, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. In the past few months, we’ve notched our first job offers from employers in Belgium and the United States.

But as exciting as these developments are, we know that they’re just the tip of the iceberg. Hundreds of thousands of people stand to benefit from labor mobility. And to make this vision a reality, we’ll need all hands on deck.

Refugee Labor Mobility 101

The Displaced Talent Hub is a publicly available platform that consolidates information and resources on refugee labor mobility. Funded initially by the Government of Canada and supported by the Global Task Force on Refugee Labor Mobility, the Hub is a one-stop shop for the sector and a source of insight for organizations that are seeking to get involved. 

Ever wondered about the history of refugee labor mobility programs? Why they’re needed, who’s involved, and what ‘labor mobility’ actually means in the first place? The ‘Refugee Labor Mobility 101’ section of the Hub is intended to demystify a concept that’s still emerging on the global stage. Our goal is to make the term ‘displaced talent’ as commonplace and unremarkable as ‘work permit’ or ‘skilled visa.’

Practitioners and policymakers

We believe that partnerships are the only way for labor mobility to scale, so we’re committed to sharing what we’ve learned, and to continuously incorporating feedback into our own model.

The Hub complements existing resources for candidates and employers. It’s designed to support the many ‘enabling partners’ who make this solution possible.

For organizations that want to manage labor mobility programs, we’ve included an end-to-end process guide that explores key questions facing practitioners. Sample topics include:

  • How can we identify the right employers?

  • What are the best ways to manage candidate and employer expectations?

  • How can we help candidates improve their language skills?

  • What are the functions of the Talent Catalog?

  • How can we boost our chances of filing successful visa applications?

  • What are the costs associated with hiring a displaced candidate?

A screen grab of the Displaced Talent Hub's Table of Contens

The Hub also maps existing labor mobility pathways, including educational, job, and skills requirements; the number of slots available; and the details of any specialized concessions for displaced talent. For advocates and policymakers who are interested in opening new refugee labor mobility programs, the Hub offers advice on guiding principles and recommended attributes, along with impact data, to help build a powerful case.

An evergreen resource

TBB is responsible for maintaining the Displaced Talent Hub and ensuring that information is relevant and up-to-date. Feedback is welcomed! 

While the first iteration of the Hub intentionally highlights topics that are expected to remain ‘evergreen’ or relatively consistent over time, future releases are anticipated to feature additional types of content, potentially including a detailed manual for the Talent Catalog, live information on pathway requirements, and discussion areas for users.

We hope you’ll let us know what you think. The Hub isn’t a tool for any single organization, region, or approach - it’s a shared resource for everyone who believes in displaced talent.

Want to learn more? Visit About Displaced Talent Hub.

Interested in getting involved with labor mobility? Start here.

Check out our suggested articles for current practitioners.

Are you a policymaker designing labor mobility pathways? Learn more about our recommendations.


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Situ and TBB’s Shared Mission to Support Displaced Talent Settle Safely in the UK